Friday, October 14, 2011

The Giant Man

First: Amīr Al-Mu’minīn:

The first to be labeled with this title was the Khalīfah “‘Umar Ibn Al-Khattāb” – May

Allāh be pleased with him, and make him pleased with – and this title stayed with all

who came after him from the Khulafā’ of the Muslims until the end of the Ottoman

Khilāfah a century ago, and we ask Allāh to speed its return.

Allāh, Subhānahu Wa Ta’ālā, willed for this title to return and manifest in its Shar’ī sense

in another “‘Umar” who resembles his chief in figure and manners.

The first ‘Umar had a tall figure with wide shoulders, and likewise is the description by

those who saw our companion ‘Umar.

The first ‘Umar was strict upon the truth, and was not taken in (the rights of) Allāh by

the blame of the blamers, and this is something that no one who has heard or followed

the news of our companion ‘Umar doubts.

The first ‘Umar was a man of politics from the top level who had futuristic outlooks

which were rarely incorrect, and this is what the signs prove in our age today, and this

will appear later in this journal.

The first ‘Umar cut the tree of the pledge of allegiance of Al-‘Aqabah, so that no one

would worship it, and our ‘Umar today destroyed the Buddha statues so that the people

would not take them as gods beside Allāh.

The worldly life came to the ‘Umar of yesterday, and he kicked it with his foot and

renounced it, and our ‘Umar today, the worldly life came to him, and it was desirous, so

he divorced it three times and preferred the caves over castles.

The ‘Umar of yesterday did justice, so he was safe, so he slept under the tree, and our

‘Umar today used to go out walking or driving his humble car in the streets of

Qandahār, with security from the people and without any personal guards, and he is the

one whom the nations of kufr and hypocrisy on Earth are seeking.

The ‘Umar of yesterday loudly announced in the middle of the kuffār “Whoever wants

to make his mother lose him as a child, to make his wife a widow, and make his children

orphans, then let him meet me behind this valley”, and our ‘Umar today said with

confidence, daring and persistence in the faces of kuffār “If the American bombings

continued, then I swear by Allāh that our enemies the Americans will not sleep one

night in peace”

Allāh gave honour to the Religion through the ‘Umar of yesterday, and the ‘Umar of

today returned to the Religion its honour.

The ‘Umar of yesterday fought the Persians and the Romans (the two great human

powers), and the ‘Umar of today fought the Soviets and the Americans.

So he who called him by “Amīr Al-Mu’minīn”, did not make a mistake.

Taken from The Giant Man

The Servent of Amīr Al-Mu’minīn,

Husayn Ibn Mahmūd

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