Saturday, September 22, 2012


The Muslim Legal Network is a gateway for all Australian Muslim lawyers and law students to engage with a wider community of lawyers and fellow Muslim students. It grants an avenue for those in the legal profession to engage with the minds of Australian Muslim Law Students and provides students with insight and advice regarding their future professions.

The network also provides for the sharing of community concerns that may require action from the network as a representative body.

Our mission

The MLN ethically strives towards protecting the civil liberties and human rights of Muslims living in Australia. A framework has been created in which Muslim legal practitioners and law students can associate and provide mentoring and support regarding the legal profession.

Furthermore, The MLN works diligently towards building a better understanding of the Islamic faith within the wider Australian community through the development of various bodies, projects and dialogue and providing assistance to other Islamic organizations.

To empower Muslims to become productive, respected and law abiding members within the wider Australian community.

Individuals, organisations, Mosques are encouraged to report any hate crimes - threatening messages of physical violence, vandalism, assaults etc.

MLN states: Proactivity is key to having an effective community that can deal with challenges thrown its way.

In the wake of the Sydney protests, there may be hate crimes committed against you purely for being a Muslim. Know that neither YOU nor your FAITH is to blame.

As Australian Muslims, we condemn injustice, whether by a Muslim or upon a Muslim.

REPORT HATE CRIMES TO MLN (anonymously if you wish):

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